As a skilled and talented person today you don’t need to confine yourself to a day job. The internet brings with it a multitude of ways to make money online. Interconnectivity has managed to bring down economic barriers linked to geography, time and space. Many people are using the internet to make their substitute or primary income. You can even work in a foreign country in the comfort of your home!
1. Teaching English Online
Online English tutoring is a lucrative job that you can turn into a steady career. It is an opportunity to interact with people from all across the world and help them improve their skills in the English language. Clients are many, including students and workers wishing to move to or study in an English speaking country. The only challenge is the time difference, but there is nothing that a good cup of coffee cannot fix.
2. Sell your products on eBay
eBay and other e-commerce sites open you up to great money making opportunities on the internet. These e- commerce stores have a lot of traffic, so you are guaranteed that someone will see your product marketed and contact you for purchase.
If you don’t have a product of your own, you can try affiliate marketing. Set up an affiliate network and browse product listings on eBay. Then take the affiliate link to a product you like and share it with your friends on social media. This online marketing gig will reward you with a pretty commission if someone buys a product through your link.
3. Get freelance jobs
There are a lot of freelance jobs on the internet that requires minimal skills and qualifications. You can easily make money online if you are a good writer or a good graphic designer. The market for SEO writing, for instance, has tremendously grown. Sites like 99 designs, on the other hand, can pay you handsomely for graphic design. With freelancing, you get to work for clients around the globe with just an internet connection at your home.
4. Buy and sell domain names
A domain name is a website address. You can look for available domain names that have much commercial value, buy them at a low cost and resell them at a profit. You can list them up for sale on domain selling websites.
5. Forex trading
You can make money buying and selling currencies online. Making a trade in the foreign exchange market is easy. This market operates similarly as the stock market. You can only access the online Forex market through an online broker. To make a profit, you must buy currency pairs at a lower price and sell it at a higher price.
To earn profits in online Forex trading, you will need to study the market and be able to make predictions about currency highs and lows. The broker gets a small commission from the sale. Popular online Forex brokers include, TD Ameritrade, Dukascopy and FXCM among others. Payments are made through PayPal, Skrill and Western Union among others.
You can make money online doing anything. The good thing with these online money making activities you
get to work at your convenience and you are exposed to an endless list of clients.